Friday, September 25, 2009

Prayer List 2

Hey guys! Just want to thank God so much because for the first time in WMCK Youth Prayer Meeting history, the boys outnumbered the girls!! That's the way it should be for the coming meetings too. Anyway, here are some more items to be prayed for.

  1. Youth Sunday 4/10/09
    Pray that everything will go through smoothly and we'll get the whole church's support.
  2. PMR and SPM students
    Everyday is another day closer. Pray that they'll be prepared in time and glorify God.
  3. Youth Camp 2010
    In Cameron Highlands people! Pray that many youths will join us and that our whole church will support us.
  4. Christmas Musical All youths will be willing to be involved and make this year's Christmas a blast! Those who decided to join, will be fully committed and dedicated.

That's all for now.

Joanna T.M.
Prayer Coordinator

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