Friday, February 26, 2010


Hey youths!
  • To all who already got the camp form, PLEASE cepat, cepat ask your parents' permission and hand in the form A.S.A.P. Closing date will be one week before our camp.
  • To those who want to invite relatives or friends, you can photostat an empty form for them or you can get from us on Sunday.
Please, please, please ask your parent's permission ASAP!! Thank you.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prayer List 5

Hey youths!
It's been such a long time since we need to pray for a special something. However, don't worry. There are lots to pray for now. Heheh... Alright, get your knees on the floor, your hands together and pray for these items:

Fund raising activities have been planned and will carried out soon.
  1. Pray for ourselves that we will work together as a team and cooperate with each other especially when we're carrying out the fund raising activity and that we all will put our best effort into this.
  2. Pray that the members of our church will give us full support too during the sales of both the cakes and the bookmarks.
  3. Pray for many participants to join our camp.
  4. Pray for good weather and safety throughout the whole camp.
  5. Finally, pray for our leaders and counselors who are planning and finalizing of the camp that everything will go well and smoothly.
That's all for now folks! I hope that everyone will take the initiative to pray all that is listed above. Remember people, prayer moves the hand of God!

Joanna T.M.
Prayer Coordinator

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Alright people! The administrative position has been passed on from Foon Yoong and Jonah to me, whether temporarily or permanently. But the catch is, you will have to guess who. =P

I'm pretty sure that all of you enjoyed the talk (I wouldn't say sermon; that sounds so formal) Pastor Gurmit Singh gave. Bellows of laughter couldn't stop echoing the MPH hall. And boy was he loud(and handsome)! But more importantly, it is my hope that you all have grasped and understood the message he was trying to convey, with the story of Bartimaeus the beggar being the main topic although he talked a little about other things here and there. I am particularly impressed at all the details and facts he went into about beggars. How they had their 'uniform' and stayed in their comfort zone. But Bartimaeus decided to step out of his comfort zone. If you want a change, there is a price that must be paid. The question is, will YOU be willing enough to change for the better, for God's glory?

Okay so that's what happened last Sunday. This coming Sunday we would be breaking up into our small groups.

Keep your eyes peeled 'coz there would be changes made to the blog as well. Have fun guys and girls. =)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Comin this Sunday

Hey Youths

Sorry for the late update. Chinese New Year has been taking up the time.

Anyway, here's an update.

Pastor Gurmit Singh (not Phua Choo Kang) will be our speaker this coming Sunday. =)

Happy Chinese New Year to ALL!! Collect them ang paus!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Testimony - Prayer Request

Hey guys, received a request from our bro, Roy.
Here's what he shared:
" After 20 years of my life, I finally decided what to do. I've seen signs everywhere and yet I try to deny it till today. I've finally decided to take up teaching and then further study in counseling. I need prayers if I am doing the right thing. Thanks."
  • Alright SOS, let's pray for our brother Roy here for the decision that he's going to make and the path that he's going to take in his future will be the right one.
-Joanna T.M.
Prayer Coordinator


Hey guys. Soli for ze late updates. Zis vas vat we did on ze 31st of January.
Alright, let's skip ze weird English.

We just did a random activity. We had to divide ourselves into groups first of course. So we tried a different way of doing it: form a salad or a burger with ourselves (ingredients)
And after that, each group was given 2 words and must perform a short skit that involves those 2 words and we had 2 secret judges.

Everyone got a slot of an ingredient and had to form a group with max: 7 people.

Big Fat Special Chicken Burger
Words: Twilight & Apek from Village

Vegetarian Chicken got the words "Barbie and Maths"
Jonathan is Mr. Barbie.

Wasabian Bun.
Tevin is the Wasabi.
Words: Hallelujah & Hair-fall

Kitty Patty
Devaraj was the main ingredient: Cat Food :-P
Words: Sunsilk & Nasi Lemak

The 2 beautiful secret judges.

The winners!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to do "Pressed Flowers"

Hello ladies,
if you worry how to do the "Pressed Flowers" don't worry. Here's a video. You don't have to use a rose. No roses please. (that will take more than a week) Choose, Ribena flowers (the one you can suck the nectar out), Bougainvillea (Bunga kertas), something small and rather flat as it is.

Here are some videos.. Take a look

You can use dictionaries or really thick encyclopedias too. Not necessarily phone books. If you don't want the pages of the book you're using to get stain, place the flower(s) in between a tissue paper first then place it in the book. Any problems, refer to me.
For more related videos:
All the best! Please, do it like immediately. We've got 2 weeks more.

-Joanna T.M.

P.S: Boys, you guys can help too :-)